A very smart teenage girl told me and her dad one day that we were being foolish talking about a birthday being special. She said, "Every day is the same. You aren't getting a year older, you're getting a day older." Pretty wise for a pimply-faced teen. She did grow up to be a successful physician though, so I guess she had some degree of intelligence working for her even then.
Tomorrow will begin another year. In the words of pimply-faced teen it's just one more day in a continuing saga called life. Our family will gladly kiss 2012 goodbye and look forward to a more promising 2013. A lot of bad happened for us in 2012 and we hope things are better next year....tomorrow....one day later. Life isn't going to majically improve starting tomorrow unless we RESOLVE it so. So, right now I hereby resolve that 2013 will be better. I resolve to be happy in 2013. Life is not going to beat me down to the bloody, miserable glob I am right now. I will walk straight, without a limp. I will not groan every time I get out of my chair. I will not feel sorry for myself, no matter what happens. I'm going to be the Mr. Peppermint, Sunshine Boy, and Pilsbury Dough Boy all rolled into one. You are very welcome....enjoy.
Now, back to reality. I really am going to be a better person...unless Debbie keeps looking at puppies on the internet and saying, "OH, HOW SWEET. I THINK I WOULD REALLY ENJOY A BIGGER DOG." I'm sure you all remember the previous three disasters with pets and us. I'm going to take away her computer priviliges and insist she seek counseling if she dares try to talk me into another pet. I'm also going to be happy and helpful all year long unless Debbie doesn't take the posting off Craig's List for my beloved scooter. Why should I give up my scooter just because I fell off a ladder and broke my leg. That had nothing to do with the scooter. It shouldn't have to pay for my stupidity. She better back off is all I have to say.....in a kind and loving way.
I wish you all a very happy New Year. However, you will have to be the one to make it happen.