Here it is....the much anticipated "mid-term elections". I hope everyone reading this has voted, or will vote before the day is done. Debbie and I cast our ballots on the first day of early voting. That isn't a real screamer of a headline normally. We always vote but this election is so critical to our nation at this time. Our once great nation has fallen victim to special interest demands and evil schemes. I am not political. I have voted on both sides of the Parties in the past so I'm not pushing any specific agenda. However, if my simple little brain, housing a defunct computer chip shunt, can see what's happening in this country I'm sure it is, and has been obvious to all you smart people out there.
I don't care how you vote. It's none of my business but if you don't care how things go and don't bother to vote, I will assume you have no children or grandchildren to worry about. Things appear to be swirling swiftly down the proverbial toilet bowl and I'm worried about the world we are leaving behind. Ours has not been a stellar generation and this election is one of the last in which we can feel that we really contributed to the future. Most of our heroes are gone now and we are the old people who should be spilling out vast wisdom to the younger generations. Sadly, we haven't shown much wisdom and the younger generations aren't listening anyway. There is no one to blame but the parents who raised these youngsters. That be us.
I tried and tried to write something humorous today but I just don't have it in me. We need to take the time to know the candidates and look beyond the rhetorical words to see who they really are. We need honest, wise, brave leaders. Party affiliations aside, we don't have that in Congress. My prayer is for that to change in Washington.
Sorry for the seriousness. Like I said, I really tried to be humorous. Maybe tomorrow....