Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Summer of 1954

I was only three during most of the summer of '54 so my memories are vague. I turned four in August of that year and shortly before that time my memories became a photo album. I can leaf through it any time I want. It was during this time that we got new neighbors next door. The old neighbors are in my vague and fuzzy memories but I do remember a little girl about Cindy's age and a boy about the same age as me. Evidently we were pretty good friends because I Cindy and I both cried on moving day. The next family only had one son. He was about a year older than me in physical age but around twenty-one in street smarts. His name was Mark.

I was scared of Mark and didn't rush right over to meet him. In fact, I do remember hiding in the house and watching him from a window. Since growing up in my mama's mind included spending time in the great outdoors she eventually pushed me out from my little fortress and made me play. Mark wasted no time in coming over to introduce himself. It went something like this:

Mark: Hi! My name's Mark. What's your's.
Me: Rusty
Mark: That's a stupid name.
Me: Uh huh...
Mark: Where does your daddy work?
Me: Convair
Mark: That's a sissy job. My dad works at Swift during the day and boxes at night.
Me: What does he box?
Mark: He fights! Boy, you really are stupid.
Me: Nuh uh!
Mark: Let me show you how he fights. (At this point he goes into a boxer stance, dances around me like an idiot, and takes a swing at me. I did not expect this!)
Me: WHAAAAA, mama, this boy hit me......(all the time holding my hand over my eye and running for the house.)

Of course this awakened the mama bear hiding in my mother and she raced out the door "to give that young man a good piece of my mind". He had taken off by the time she got out there so she had no outlet for her anger. She came back in and yelled at me for a while. It was her studied opinion that I needed to grow up and defend myself. I needed to not be so scared of everything and everyone. I guess she was right. I was about to turn four! According to her I had already run from a tarantula, a "big bird", and a spooky man walking down the street who turned out to be my uncle Wayne. She told me she expected me to "whip" that boy next time he bothered me. And so it mission was to whip Mark next time I saw him.

The next day I was out in my backyard playing my Roy Rogers guitar and singing to my girlfriend, Terry, who lived down the street. Mark came over and proceeded to ridicule my guitar playing....something I've heard for a lifetime now. I put the guitar down and told him, "My mama told me to whip you!" He said, "Well all right Rusteee, come on and try to whup me!" He then posed in his boxer stance again, which was surprising to me because I had never done that before I got whipped. I grabbed him by the collar and gave him a spanking like he had probably never seen before. He finally broke free, laughing and ran off. I figured I had taught him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget. I went inside to tell mama and she said she had watched the whole thing from the kitchen window. She just shook her head and wandered off. She probably went to the bathroom, locked the door, and smoked one of daddy's cigarettes like she was prone to do when we were little.

Later in the day I heard Mark hollering at me from the driveway. He wanted me to come out. I figured I was gonna have to whip him again. Instead he told me he was sorry for picking on me. He didn't realize I was a "retard*" and he would like to help me learn a few things. I had a new friend. Wish I knew what he meant by * (a word that was socially acceptable back in the early 50's). Throughout all of August and into September Mark taught me lots of new things like, how to fight! He and I rumbled several times over the coming months. He taught me how to sneak out of the yard without being seen and touring the neighborhood. He taught me how to cool off on a hot day by waiting for Mrs. Maddox to hang out her laundry and then run through the sheets with both arms spread out. That was a cool thing. I would still like to do that. He taught me how to throw rocks at hub caps on passing cars. This training included not throwing at passing police cars, especially if you still threw like a girl and sometimes hit the windshield. The policeman was very nice about the whole thing but daddy spanked me anyway. Mark also gave me my first math lesson...

On September 1st, Pete the Python escaped from the Fort Worth Zoo. I didn't know this because I didn't get to stay up late enough for the news and would have ignored it even if I hadn't been sent to bed. Mark did get to stay up that late and whether or not he listened or his mom told him about it doesn't really matter. Mark made sure to tell me about it the next day.

Mark met me in the driveway early the next morning and told me about Pete. He said, "Pete the Python escaped from the zoo last night". I asked what a python was. He told me it was a huge snake. I don't like snakes now and I really didn't like snakes then so I was already spooked. He said the news guy told parents to keep their children inside because Pete was a man-eater weighing nearly 500 pounds and measured six yards long. I was trembling by this point but I held my ground. I asked Mark what six yards looked like. He said, "You're kidding me right? You don't know how long six yards is?". I told him no. He grabbed me by the arm and led me out to the front of the house. Then he pointed to his house and said, "First you see my yard. Now look at your yard. The next yard is Mrs. Maddox' yard. The yard after that is the Studebaker driver's yard. Then we have the old people's yard and then the yard after that. THAT is six yards!" That scared me so much I got dizzy. I probably would have passed out right there where I was standing had I not already started my mad dash to the house. I stayed in the house for at least two days after that even though Mark stood in my driveway and begged me to come out. No 500 pound snake that long was gonna eat me. It could go ahead and eat Mark.

Later on, mama explained to me that Pete only weighed 150 pounds and she showed me with a tape measure what six yards really looked like. That was still one big, stinking snake. I figured they caught Pete after a couple of days or maybe he died so I ventured back outside and Mark and I roamed the neighborhood and threw rocks at hub caps until we moved to a bigger house that winter. I was spooked awfully bad when mama mentioned at breakfast one morning that they had finally caught old Pete on October 4th.


  1. Loved this story. Thank you for
    Sharing. Cant wait to read the next adventure.

    1. Thank you! I wish I knew who you are but privacy is a valued thing to hold on to....

  2. Love it, Russ. Kinda reminded me of my brother and the next door neighbor boy, Buzzy. They'd had a spat and my brother was biding behind a shrub. Buzzy threw a rock at Barry and it cut him above the eye. I ran in to tell Mama (my grandmother) and she came charging out to tell Buzzy 'What for'! As Buzzy saw her coming, he grab ed the water hose! He soaked her down but good. Don't remember much else after that!��
