Friday, May 24, 2024

Time to catch up with Bert....

 Hello Frank,

I hope this finds you and Irma doing well. I sure did enjoy y'alls visit earlier this month and I hope you guys enjoyed it too. I'm grateful for you figuring out what was wrong with my old truck and getting it going again. Electrical problems have never been my favorite things to figure out. I would have never thought to check out the wiring on the firewall. I nearly sold my beloved truck for scrap before you got here. I doubt I'll ever trust it again so I think I'll probably go on and buy a low mileage Jeep Wrangler, but I'll keep the truck....just to have a truck. This is Texas after all!

So what did you guys think of Jo? I feel bad for judging her the first time I met her in the parking lot at the store. I would have sworn she was just an old widow lady spending her husband's inheritance while searching for another man. I kept that opinion of her until she gave me that ride into town after my old truck broke down. I felt kind of bad being so cold and distant to the point where she had stopped calling so I asked her out to dinner....just to be nice and to pay her back for that ride. Did I tell you how she responded when I called her for the dinner invitation? She said, "Yeah, I'll go but I won't be seen riding around in the piece of junk you call a truck! I'll drive." I never told her I loved that old piece of junk and just agreed for her to pick me up in that big old black Cadillac of hers.

I'll also tell you I found out a lot more about Jo over the last few weeks. She isn't the fancy dressed widow lady I thought. I asked her why she always wore jeans and boots when the first time I saw her at the grocery store she was all gussied up in a fancy black dress and dripping diamonds. First of all she said she wasn't dripping diamonds. She wore one small diamond ring her husband had given her for their twenty-fifth anniversary and a nice black dress because she was on her way home from a funeral. I apologized....she is about as down to earth as me. We have hit it off pretty well BUT, I assure you, we are just friends! She won't let me drive anywhere when we go out wandering the countryside. She says it's because she knows where everything is and I drive like an old woman! I think she just doesn't want to ride in my truck. I've had to talk to her about her profanity. You know I don't use bad language and I really hate hearing it from other people. Since we were running around so much I figured I should say something to her. Her response was, "Well hay-ull Bert! Why didn't you say something sooner?" Except for a well-worn "hay-ull" at times (which is always followed by, "hay-ull, I'm sorry!"), she has kept her cussing to herself. I like that about her. I'm going to invite her to go to church with me as soon I'm comfortable she won't agree with the preacher by yelling, "Hay-ull yeah! Amen!"

Just one more thing about Jo and I'll stop. I know I'm going on like a love sick teenager. It's not anything like that at all. We've talked about a lot of things and both of us agree this is nothing but a couple of friends hanging out together. She says she would never marry again because of her love and respect for her late husband, and you know I feel the same about Velma. It's just good to have someone to pal around with.....someone rich....with a nice car....and a personality! Jo didn't get her wealth from an inheritance. She owns a car dealership in Alpine! Can you believe that? All this time and she never mentioned it. I had to ask what she did with her free time. Her response was, "You mean when I'm not wasting my time hanging out with you? Well hay-ull Bert, I own a used car lot. I thought you knew that. How do you think I'm able to drive around in a clean black Caddy without having a staff to take care of it for me?" You could have knocked me over with a feather.....or maybe a tumbleweed! I don't want to infringe on a friendship by asking about a good deal on a new Jeep but it would sure be nice if she would offer. I guess time will tell.

I'm sorry I spent this whole time talking about Jo. It kind of makes me ashamed of myself. I'm sure Velma would have liked Jo too but I'm not sure she would approve of me going on and on about her like I have. It's hard to not think about things like that.

Oh, by the way, I'm going to learn how to dance!! There's a program available down at the civic center offering free "two-step" lessons to residents. I checked and I'm now considered an official resident of Fort Davis! Yay!!

Y'all take care, Bert

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