Monday, October 7, 2024

The Wrap up....

 Dear Irma,

Thank you for letting me know how Frank has been reacting to my letters. I didn't know his dementia had progressed so rapidly. I sure didn't intend to make him upset receiving letters from "some guy he didn't know". My heart is breaking right now. If he has lucid moments will you please pass on this message to him from me: "Hello Frank....I miss you buddy! I want you to know and try to remember, I consider you my best friend. Thank you for all the good times we shared in the old neighborhood and thank you for teaching me how to slow down and breathe! I'm enjoying my time in Fort Davis and savoring this slower life. Take care my friend. I love you."

Irma, if there is anything at all I can do to help you with Frank please, please let me know. I don't have anything going on here that I can't walk away from at the drop of a hat! I guess I'll give you an update on all that's been going on out here and then I won't send any more letters. First of all, I hired that kid I told you about who called me looking for work and a place to stay. I was hesitant because he didn't have any construction experience but he seemed honest, intelligent, and honestly, I just felt sorry for him. He moved into one of my spare rooms and immediately got started on the garage project I had planned. He worked like a mad man getting the project up and going and then on days when there was nothing going on here, he hired out to a local rancher, running fence and doing other odd jobs. (I paid him hourly on days he was working on my garage but nothing if he wasn't working on it.) There was one stretch of three weeks we were waiting for trusses to be built and delivered and he got nervous not making any money. I reminded him part of his pay was free room and board but he still didn't like not having something specific to do each day. I'm sure glad he came along. I haven't mentioned it to him yet but I plan to offer the overhead apartment to him to rent when the garage is finished. If he doesn't want to rent it that's fine but I'll sure miss having him around. 

Secondly, Jo has fallen in love with Lou and wants to adopt him. Silly woman! She found out he had experience selling cars and she's been trying to get him to go to work for her at the dealership. I reckon he'll have a job waiting when he finishes this garage. By the way, Lou has started dating a young widow he met at our church. He seems quite smitten, to say the least. She has a young son and has been struggling as a single mom after her husband was killed in a car accident a year ago. I think she is enjoying Lou's attention but I hope it's for the right reason. Convenience isn't a real good motivation for a relationship.

Jo and I have continued as "good old pals". She's a hoot to be around and I'm still surprised at that after my initial opinion of her that one day in the store parking lot. We go out dancing every Thursday night. I'm glad I learned that two step. Now I'm learning Texas Swing if you can believe that! We hit the early bird specials at the local restaurants at least once a week and spend most Sunday afternoons wandering around the countryside. It's beautiful out here!!

I did start a part time job finally. I never could get that job at the hardware store like I wanted but I spend 20 hours a week, mornings and Saturdays, sacking groceries and helping out at the Stone Village Market. It's been fun and absolutely no pressure....I should have moved out here years ago!!!

I guess that's all the news I have. I've enjoyed keeping my story going for Frank and you. Again, I'm so sorry the letters started upsetting him. I think of the two of you as family so stay in touch. I won't write again unless I hear from you.

I truly love you and Frank!


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