Monday, January 15, 2024

Oh Baby, It's Cold Outside...

... ten degrees to be exact. If I had wanted to experience ten degree weather I would have caught a flight to my cousin, Kitty's farm in North Dakota. Sorry Kitty, I love you, miss you, and all, but I don't want to see you that bad. I've been up since five o'clock. This has been happening more and more lately and to be honest I'm kind of tired of this new trend as well. Up at five to look out and see the snow on the ground and the mercury so low I can't see it on my patio Coca' Cola thermometer makes me a bit angry. I have done all my Bible reading, polished off a pot of coffee, ate two fried eggs and cleaned up my mess, and I'm sitting here wondering what else to do with my time. Debbie is smart. She's still in that nice warm bed sleeping deeply and probably dreaming of the two of us romping along a sunny beach somewhere. Or maybe it's just her romping because I haven't been able to romp since I broke my leg ten years ago. I have nothing of importance to do today. It's way too cold to work in my shop. I've already got my income tax info ready and I've finished ten more books off my "to read" stack recently so I'm tired of reading. What to do? What to do? Oh! I know! I'll bore all of you to death for a bit. 

You may not believe this about someone as intellectual as me but I have two imaginary friends. One of them is an old guy like me and he's just recently been left a widower.  His name is Bert. Bert also has an imaginary friend named Frank. I make up stories about Bert and then Bert writes to his friend and old neighbor, Frank. Frank gets a kick out of Bert's letters because that old Bert does have a witty way about him, even with his recent tragic loss.

My other imaginary friend is a young guy. Single and just starting out in life away from his foster home, he's struggling with what to do with his newfound freedom. His name is Lou. Lou is just eighteen and not really a friend. He's too young to develop a friendship with an old toot like me but he needs me to create his story...poor guy. He's going to lead a boring life if he's depending on me. 

I created Bert about two years ago and added his friend Frank at the same time. I don't know much about Frank. I just read the letters Bert writes to him. Lou is new to my weary brain. I'm still struggling with his direction in life so enough about him for now. I did just read a short letter from Bert and I'll pass it along if you're interested:

Dear Frank,

I sure do miss the old neighborhood and our weekly visits for coffee and cigars out in your workshop. I wish I hadn't felt the need to get away but after Velma's passing the house was too empty and filled with too many memories of her last days. I know she isn't suffering anymore and that gives me comfort but I'm not sure this void left in my life will ever be filled.

I did make it out to Fort Davis without any car trouble. I wasn't sure that old pickup would make it without leaving me stranded at least once but it did okay! I've rented a little place a little ways out of town that has a detached two-car garage. I'm hoping to use the garage for a workshop and maybe find an old car to restore. Velma never wanted me to have an old junk car sitting in the driveway so I guess now's the time! I have plenty of room here. Lot's of.....dirt. To be honest there's lots of bare dirt and sand on my little rented property but there's lots of room and a great place to set an old wreck right in front of that garage. I figure I'll strip down whatever I find and move the parts into the garage to work on til it's all ready to reassemble. This might just be a dream but that's my plan for now.

I'm trying out a little cafe in town this morning. I hope they make good, strong coffee. I hate weak coffee. I hope to meet at least one person to talk to at the cafe. The folks out here seem friendly and are quick with a smile and a "hello" but so far no one has bothered to introduce themselves or ask about this newcomer to the area. I hope I haven't made a mistake about Fort Davis. I always wanted to move out west and this is about as far west as I cared to go and still stay in Texas. I've already killed one rattlesnake in the yard and chased off a stray dog making a home in my garage. I don't like snakes....especially rattlesnakes. I get the willies just thinking about it. If I see another one I'm gonna wish I hadn't chased off that old mangy dog.

Sorry for this boring rambling. If you hadn't guessed, yes, I'm lonely. I'll let you know how my first trek to town works out.

Your old buddy, Bert

ps: I left this letter laying on the table when I went for breakfast. You won't believe this: When I walked out on the porch to leave I saw the biggest tarantula I've ever seen just sitting there grinning at me. I decided to turn around and leave by the back door. It was gone when I got home and now I'm worried it's inside the house and will crawl across my face sometime in the night. I may have chosen poorly when I chose to move to west Texas. Snakes and tarantulas already! Willies, willies!!!


I'll tell you now that Bert did stay in Fort Davis. He made friends with the family down the road, got a part time job at the hardware store, and struggled to keep the little old widow ladies at bay. If you want to read more of Bert's ramblings to Frank let me know. If not, I'll keep them to myself. Oh, and if you have any suggestions for Lou's direction in life I would love to hear them. Write me on the blog page or email.

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