Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bert, Bert, Bert....What are we going to do with you?!?!

 Hello Frank!

Sorry it's been so long. I'm just such a party animal (haha) it's hard to find time to stop and write. I've been busy around this old place since I bought it last month. I did tell you about that, didn't I? I thought I did. The old guy I had been renting from wanted to sell and I didn't really want to move again so soon. I thought about it for thirty seconds or so and offered to buy it. He grabbed my hand, shook it and said, "SOLD" without even waiting to hear what I was willing to pay for it. It's a good thing too because the number he came up with was about $15000 less than what I would have offered. After we signed the papers and the deed was transferred I went straight to the bank to see about getting a home improvement loan. I'm going to build a four car garage with a second floor apartment. I'm planning to rent out the apartment to cover the loan payments and put a little back for my old age (another ha).

Another big change I'm making is opening up my guest room and extra bath to either a single guy or young married couple to stay. Truth be told Frank, I'm lonely around here and I'm hoping this will be a positive thing. We'll see I guess. Anyway, I thought I would offer free room and board for anyone who can help me get this garage built. I've already had a call from a young guy new to the area. I'm talking to him tonight about taking the offer. He was at the hardware store looking for work and saw my posting on the bulletin board. I could have told him the hardware store wasn't hiring!. I've been trying to get a part time job there ever since I moved out here! 

Jo had been working on the chamber of commerce planning committee for the past couple of months putting a small business fair together. They finally had the fair last week and she asked me to go with her. She would be busy working a booth but I could wander around picking up free key rings, ball point pens, and whatnot til lunch. So that's what happened. Don't ever buy another pen Frank. I've got more than either of us can ever use up. Anyway, at lunch we snuck out and grabbed some chicken-fried steak at the cafe rather than enjoy the free hot dogs offered at the fair. After lunch, she resumed her post and I went back to wandering aimlessly. I did discover that after lunch several Slurpee machines had been set out and free Slurpee's  were available to all! I've never been a huge Slurpee fan but let me tell you, these Slurpee's were FINE!!! I was so impressed with the first one, I immediately grabbed a second. I couldn't figure out what it was about these drinks but I couldn't stop slamming them down. They were so stinking refreshing, and cold, and refreshing, and.....well Frank, guess what. These were not Slurpee machines. They were margarita machines. Have you ever tasted a margarita? You know I'm not a drinker so I was a little embarrassed when a couple of off duty cops offered to help me to Jo's booth. It appears I had been standing in the Lane Bryant booth, dripping Slurpee down my shirt, and singing "La Bamba" when I was escorted out. In between her "ah hail-uhs" and uncontrollable laughter, she informed me I was "drunker than a skunk". I don't know what that means but I do now know what a bad hangover feels like. Never again, never again!!!

Jo and I have been taking those free dance lessons for a few weeks now and let me tell you, I was definitely raised in the Church of Christ. I don't have a dancing bone in my body but it sure has been fun. Next time y'all come out, we'll have to go out "cuttin' the rug".....I also don't know what that means but I've heard it mentioned around me a few times with an attached chuckle. 

I guess I've embarrassed myself enough. I'll go and get ready to interview this kid who thinks he wants to live in my house and build my new garage. 

Y'all take care, Bert

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