Saturday, June 6, 2020

Lunch break....

I worked for more years than I like to admit. I started working full time when I was nineteen. I converted over from a full time student and part time worker to a full time employee...and full time student. It took a loooonnnng time to complete a four year degree plan but I eventually made it. I like to joke that it took me seven years to get a two year degree from the junior college but that's not true. I went to junior college for four years before my counselor told me there were no classes left to take. It was time for me to be a big boy and transfer to the university. It was at this time I made the transformation over to full time employee and part time, on and off again student.

All of this is to drive home the fact I have worked like, forever. All through my career I was very selfish about my lunch break. I didn't want to talk fact, I didn't want to talk at all. I wanted to eat my sandwich and read for an hour. For years vendors thought taking me out to eat was a treat. I hated it and only obliged because it was part of my job. After I retired I told Deb I wanted to continue my tradition of taking an hour every day for a sandwich and reading. A quiet time. It wasn't asking too much. Over the years Deb has been good about letting me do that. It's only been the last two or three days that she seems to forget that I need my hour lunch break/reading/quiet time.

Deb has discovered the joy of buying stuff for the house and yard. She's a selective buyer though and spends a lot of time in "research" before making her purchase. If the item she wants is kind of expensive she likes to get an okay from me. I have never said 'no' so I don't know why she keeps asking. The other day she made the discovery that she had always wanted an area rug for the patio. Once the thought came, it immediately grew into a vision, then a project, and on to a need in short order. She talked about it all morning as we were going about our various errands and I really did try to pay attention but to me it's a simple thing requiring very little thought and no conversation: You want a rug? Buy a rug.

As noon approached on the day of Deb's awakening to area patio rugs, I went to the kitchen and made my sandwich. I sat down in my favorite chair with lunch and book in hand. Deb sat down across from me and opened up her laptop. The scene unfolded like this:

A sunny and comfortable den with a beautiful heroine shopping for an area rug while her sage and aged husband sits quietly with a book opened to chapter nine in one hand and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the other. As the scene opens the heroine starts the conversation:
She: Do you like this one?
He: Whut?
She: Do you like this rug?
He: Yeah, very nice.
She: How about this one? Do you like it better?
He: Hmm
She: Oh look! This one is beautiful. I wonder if it would fit the area where we need a rug.
He: Maybe you should measure the area.
She: That's a wonderful idea. Will you measure it for me?
He: Uh, I'm kinda eating lunch right now.
She: It will only take a minute then I'll leave you alone.
He: SIGH.....okay. He goes outside, measures the area and comes back with all the facts she needs. The rug can be as small as 6x9 and as large as 8x10. Anything smaller is too small. Anything larger is too large
She: Great! This is a nice one. It's 5x7. How about that?
He: Uh, 5x7 is smaller than 6x9, I'm going to read now.
She: Amazon has a really pretty one thats 8x10. Do you think that would fit okay?
He: Stares in amazement and returns to his book.
She: Okay, I'm going to buy this one.
He: That's nice.
She: How do you like this one? 
He: I thought you just bought one?
She: I changed my mind. Would a 6x9 fit okay? Do you like giant red flowers on your rugs?

This went on until I gave up and tossed my book aside. Deb said, "Oh good! You're through with lunch. Come over and sit next to me and help me pick out a rug." Now, I don't want to be persnickety but the standing tradition for my daily routine is to eat a sandwich and read for an hour followed immediately with a nap! What is this woman thinking? Being the kind and thoughtful guy I am, I say nothing and sit down with her to look at area rugs. Suffice to say our patio is now sporting a new area rug. It's very nice......I need a nap.